Bidding Requirements
Three bids must be received prior to purchasing supplies, materials and equipment that exceed $3,500 in a single transaction. Dexter Community Schools is a member of many cooperative bulk purchasing programs consortiums that can be used to compare prices and satisfy bidding requirements.
Supply Vendors
Each building is responsible for purchasing its own supplies. We have identified these vendor arrangements for your convenience. Please help conserve district resources by using our discounted pricing. Use provided logins to have discounts automatically applied. Please use your purchasing card to place orders whenever possible.
Further Information
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Purchasing Cards
- Amazon
- Employee Expense Reimbursements
- Copiers
- Gift Cards
- Printers
- Warehouse memberships
- Consortium Memberships
Frequently Asked Questions
Purchasing Cards
Purchasing Cards (“PCards”) offer an alternative to the Purchase Order procurement process and provide a convenient, efficient method of purchasing goods and services. Purchasing Cards are issued to approved individuals for school-related purposes in accordance with Board policy, the approved budget, and District administrative guidelines.
- Purchasing cards are reconciled monthly.
- The district tax exempt I.D. number is printed on the front of your purchasing card, be sure to indicate the purchase is tax exempt prior to purchase.
- Some stores require purchasers to have the sales tax exemption certificate in hand at the time of purchase. Please click the following link to download a copy of the Dexter Community Schools Michigan Sales and Use Tax Certificate of Exemption. Alternatively, here is a verification of tax exempt status letter.
Here is the information you need to manage your purchasing card usage:
- BMO Spend Dynamics P-Card Login
- Purchasing Card Cardholder Guide
- Purchasing Card Cardholder Agreement
- Account Reconciliation Instructions
- Board Policy 6424-Purchasing Cards
Detailed Information about Purchasing Card Protocols and Obligations
Having a PCard is both a privilege and a responsibility. Using a PCard obligates the District to pay the charges on the 5th of the month following the purchase. We must, according to Board policy and state law, have proper documentation before funds are expended.
The convenience of using a PCard goes with an increased need to be diligent about each cardholder adhering to Board Policy, State law, and following through timely on his/her responsibilities for reconciling and providing complete and detailed documentation.
The closing date for PCards is on or around the 27th of each month. Within seven calendar days of the closing date, your account must be reconciled in BMO Spend Dynamics and your printed approved report must be received in the Business Office. Please attach all detailed receipts to your PCard report. So if you just put in a calendar reminder to do your PCard at the end of each month, you will be on time.
Any purchases you make that you do not provide a detailed receipt, are in excess of allowable amounts (e.g. meal limits), contain sales tax, or contain convenience fees for using a credit card, are deemed "personal purchases" and you are responsible to refund the District at the time you turn in your monthly PCard report.
While the District has gained significant efficiency by using PCards over the years, the Business Office spent an inordinate amount of time last year tracking down individuals who have not reconciled, turned in, or provided detailed receipts on time. With 80 PCard reports each month and 5000 transactions last year, there were hundreds of issues we spent significant time resolving. The District's auditors monitor our internal controls for compliance with Board Policy and State law.
To avoid the hassle of attempting a purchase that will exceed your credit limit, be aware of your credit limit. Your normal credit limit can be found on the Budget Transparency link on our webpage. See item #8. If you need to make a large purchase or purchases that may exceed your credit limit, please contact Cameron Fluder at x1010 or email fluderc@dexterschools.org and he can temporarily raise the credit limit to let you make the purchase. Credit limit is based on all outstanding purchases at the given moment. The prior month bill is paid on the 5th of the month following, so there are a few days overlapping that if you make large purchases crossing two billing cycles, you need to be aware.
If the hassle of the responsibility of a PCard is burdensome, then please let the Business Office know to cancel your PCard and you may revert to issuing PO's for any purchases in advance of making purchases, so we will be able to monitor compliance with Policy and laws before issuing payments by check.
Amazon Purchases must be through the school Amazon Business for Education account
Dexter Community Schools has an account with Amazon Business for Education which must be used for all Amazon purchases. Please become familiar with our requirements to use Amazon Business. We do not pay or reimburse for Amazon purchases made from personal Amazon accounts. We do not pay for shipping charges on Amazon except when preapproved by the Business Office. If you need access to Amazon Business, please contact Jennifer Miceli at x1013 or email micelij@dexterschools.org
Employee Expense Reimbursements
Please complete the appropriate Expense Reimbursement Form, attach receipts that detail all items purchases (credit card slips are not acceptable), and submit to your supervisor for approval. Special Education purchases also need approval of the Director of Special Education, Anne Nakon. Expense Reports received at the Business Office by the 1st of the month are paid on the 15th payroll. We accept and process employee reimbursement requests throughout the year, including DEA Teaching Supplies Reimbursement requests. All purchases for a school year must be submitted by May 1. Please check with your building if they have an earlier deadline. Purchases made after May 1 must be preapproved by the Business Office.
No reimbursements will be made for purchases from a prior school year. Sales tax will not be reimbursed (see Sales Tax Exemption information). Amazon purchases must follow Amazon Purchasing information. Please do not pay for any school items with personal credits or personal gift cards. You will not be reimbursed. Unlawful expenditures will not be paid or reimbursed, including alcohol, flowers for the sick or departed, gift cards for employees, or gifts or recognitions for employees.
Buildings have access to a number of printers and copiers to use for district printing. The cost for black & white copies on the copier is 0.0079 cents per page. Color copies are much more expensive, 0.0476 cents per page.
The following information will assist you when your copier requires service or toner cartridges, and when purchasing copy paper.
Copier Service
All of our copiers are under a service contract with Millenium Business Systems. This contract includes both maintenance and toner.
Request service or place a supply order online at https://www.2millennium.com/. Be sure to have your copier ID number available. The ID number can be found on the Millennium label located on the front of the copier.
Copy Paper
Staples Advantage
Account Manager: Cynthia.Mastroianni@staples.com
Account Manager: michael.schless@quill.com
Office Depot
Account Manager: sita.cilfone@officedepot.com
CPG (Contract Paper Group)
Contact: Nicole Masturzo
Phone: 800-563-5739 x4222
Email: nmasturzo@cpgbid.com
Central Michigan Paper
MiDeal Contract #: 071B7700142
Contact: Scott Marks
Phone: 616-606-7510
Email: scottm@cmpaper.com
Contract Expires: 8/30/2024
Gift Cards
Gift Card honoraria are not an allowable expense
The purchase of Gift Cards for adults, including employees of Dexter Community Schools, contractors, volunteers, vendors or community families is NOT an allowable expense. Gift Cards may NOT be purchased from any funding sources including General Fund, Food Services, Athletics, Athletics Team Funds, Community Education, and School/Student Activity Funds.
The IRS is clear that Gift Cards, Gift
Gift Cards for student incentives
Purchase of cards for students of Dexter Community Schools for incentives or events of a reasonable amount (up to $25) is allowed. Gift Cards should be for specific goods (e.g. Aubrees,, Busch's, Dexter Bakery, Dairy Queen, Aubrees, Classic Pizza, etc) and not cash equivalents (e.g. Visa Gift Card). Gift Cards may not be given as compensation for work performed. A list of students, grade and giving teacher who received the Gift Cards should be forwarded to the Business Office as soon as practical.
Buildings have access to a number of printers and copiers to use for district printing. Costs for a Black & White copy range from 0.38 cents on a lower cost copier to 0.93 cents on a printer to 2.04 cents on a multi-function printer. Color printing is very expensive, 10.38 to 12.62 cents per page. To help individual staff members select the most cost-effective printing options, we have developed Printer and Copier Information as a guideline for you to use. The following information will assist you when your printer requires service or toner cartridges need to be ordered.
Printer Service
For service on your printer, contact the Technology Help desk on the Dexter Schools Web Apps Launch Page.
Replacing Printer Toner
Replace your printer toner with genuine HP toner cartridges. DO NOT use remanufactured toner cartridges. Our warranties may be voided if we use remanufactured cartridges.
Order Toner Cartridges:
Note: When you replace your toner cartridge, please print a supply status and supply usage page and include it with your purchasing card receipt for the new cartridge. We monitor cartridge yields.
Warehouse memberships
The District has business memberships with Costco Warehouse and Sam’s Club.
Sam’s Club
User Name: accountspayable@dexterschools.org
Sam’s Club in-store accepts your Purchasing Card.
For questions about Purchasing Cards, please contact:
Cameron Fluder
(734) 424-4100 x1010
Contact Accounts Payable for the DCS tax exempt barcode.
School Specialty
Account Manager: Adam.Baurain@schoolspecialty.com
Consortium Memberships
AEPA (Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies)
KPN (Keystone Purchasing Network)
MOR (Macomb ISD-Oakland Schools-Wayne RESA)
NPPGov (National Purchasing Partners Government)
Oakland Schools Cooperative Contracts Network
Omnia (acquired National IPA, National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance, US Communities)
REMC (Regional Educational Media Center)
Sourcewell (formerly NJPA)
TCPN (acquired by National IPA)
TIPS (The Interlocal Purchasing System)
Wayne County RESA (Regional Educational Service Agency)