Dear DCS Parents, Staff, Students, and Community,
Homecoming in small-town America is a special event. Our students were in full Dreadnaught apparel throughout the district, the parade went through town with the band playing, tonight is the annual homecoming game, and tomorrow is the dance. Our students enjoy the festivities while parents watch and share in the moment and our entire community walks down memory lane of their high school days and the days when their children were in the parade. It’s a great time every year. Below are some information items:
Cybersecurity Webinar for Parents and Community Members
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. The challenges of cybersecurity are a perennial dilemma for families and a topic about which we get many questions. On October 25th from 7-9pm, DCS is holding a webinar hosted by Shane Harsch, a Cybersecurity expert. Register for the webinar:
Ed Foundations Rivalry Match
The annual Dexter-Chelsea Ed Foundations Rivalry kicks off on October 1, and ends October 20 at halftime of the Dexter-Chelsea game. Last year Dexter came up just short. We raised $47,679 and Chelsea raised $50,072. This popular event is a wonderful opportunity to support educational programming for students in both districts and our generous families and community members make it possible. No one loses! Donate for Dexter: visit or text DREADS to 801801 A flyer is attached.
Free and Reduced Lunch Applications/Education Benefits
The School Meals and Summer EBT Application collects information needed to ensure the school receives state and federal funding for education programs. In additional to providing meal benefits, students who qualify may receive other support including reduced or free athletic participation fees, free AP and IB exam fees, and more. These supplemental grants and programs have the potential to offer supports and services for our students including, but not limited to:
- Instructional staff (ex. Reading Interventionists, Math Tutors, Academic & Behavior Aids)
- Teaching supplies and materials
- Counselors and Social Workers
- School Nurses
- Professional Learning for staff
- Parent and Community engagement supplies and activities
- Technology
Without this information, Dexter Community Schools could lose important state funding for educational programs that our students are entitled to. If you haven’t yet, please complete the form today. All information collected is strictly confidential.
Post Graduation Planning Resources for Students and Families
MCL 380.1293 requires that school districts provide to students in grades 8-12 State of Michigan post-graduation planning resources. Here is a link to that information: MiTalent Post-Graduation Resources. This Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Opportunity information is also posted on the Mill Creek and DHS websites under counseling.
Dread Strong signs are out - feel free to take one to share your Dreadnaught Pride in your yard.
Thank you for your continued commitment to our kids, our schools, and our community.
Take care and Go Dreads!
- Superintendent News
- homecoming