Champion Learning: Develop, Educate, and INSPIRE!


Superintendent Letters 2023-2024

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This letter is to inform you of a recent cybersecurity incident that impacted PowerSchool, a company that provides our school district with student information management software. On December 28, 2024, PowerSchool discovered unauthorized access to certain customer data, however, we have been informed that the security breach did not impact our district.

Read More about PowerSchool Data Breach Info
Bond Steering Committee header

In the winter of 2024, DCS began the next 10-year facility study engaging community members, staff, and industry professionals to evaluate all DCS facilities and programming.  In total, the district owns and maintains nearly 1 million square feet of indoor space, 927,000 square feet of of parking lots, 360 acres of land, nearly 100,000 square feet of windows, 640,000 square feet of roofing, 15,000 light fixtures, and over 2300 doors.  This comprehensive facility analysis process included inspections of over 1400 rooms throughout the district along with every roof, parking lot, field, and square foot of each DCS building.  

A bond steering committee (BSC) was formed after districtwide communications asked for community volunteers.  Nearly 50 community members volunteered to be members of the BSC and all were invited to participate in a series of in-person meetings and building tours.  On November 4, 2024, the Bond Steering Committee presented their recommendations to the DCS Board of Education.  Their recommendation was to present a comprehensive facility improvement bond proposal to the DCS voters that maintained the current millage rate that has been in effect for nearly 40 years to fund a comprehensive maintenance and improvement plan for DCS facilities for students and the community.

The entire proposal totals $241,865,000 and maintains the current millage rate.  The timeline under consideration is the May of 2025 election.  

Read More about Bond Update - 2025

Archived Superintendent Letters