Champion Learning
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"Aside from the challenge and rigor of Dexter's academics, it is the unique relationships the teachers share with the students that make this school special. I have built relationships with several teachers that will be lifelong. They have personally invested themselves in me: challenging me, supporting me, and being by my side every step of the way. Having them there made all difference in the world.” Stephen Robards
Class of '15
- Dexter Community Schools 734-424-4100
- Bates School, 2704 Baker Rd.
Dexter, MI 48130
- Webmaster: Hope Vestergaard
- Dexter Community Schools is committed to making our website accessible to visitors with disabilities. If you encounter difficulty navigating this website due to a disability, please email our accessibility team or call 734-424-4102 for assistance.
The Dexter Community Schools district includes the city of Dexter and parts of eight townships. Learn about the Dexter area on our Community page.
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Prospective Parents
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Human Resources
Current employee in need of information? Interested in working for the district? Visit Human Resources.
Student athletes, parents, and spectators: here's DCS Athletics headquarters.
New to the area?
Check out our Prospective Parents page.
Looking for a space for your event? Start with our Facilities homepage.